Choose Life Express

Why Social Media Is Crucial for Pregnancy Centers

The abortion-minded woman is searching online for help. How can you maximize your pregnancy center’s visibility and establish trust to ensure you’re the first resource she finds—and believes? Social media is the answer.

Social media is defined as any online form of communication that enables people to share content with other users. 

While social media is essentially an online gathering and networking space, trying to figure out the constantly changing trends and etiquette can feel a lot like attempting to jump into a conversation mid-stream; it can leave you feeling confused, left out, and out of touch. However, it’s worth the effort to figure out.

According to recent statistics, nearly five billion people use social media every day, and the average person visits six to seven different social media platforms each month. 

Furthermore, social media users spend over two hours a day interacting with different platforms—and 35% of Gen Z users spend over four hours a day on social media alone! These numbers add up to an immense opportunity to get the word out about your center—and ensure that abortion-minded women see you first.

Still on the fence about upping (or starting) your center’s social media presence? Here are the top three reasons why it’s more crucial than ever.

1. Social Media Helps Her Know Your Center Exists

To reach the abortion-minded woman, you need to go where she is—and she’s on social media (and so are her friends and family members who might tell her about your center).

By creating a social media presence, you’re establishing your center as a trusted source online and helping her know your center exists.

2. Gen Z Finds Social Proof on Social Media

According to Gen Z, stale advertising (think of a templated, generic ad) is out, and influencer marketing is in. Recent trends show that this younger generation trusts social media influencers and user-generated content more than traditional marketing.

Gen Z is looking for social proof before making a purchase or having an experience; they want to know that other everyday people have benefited from a product or service and that it’s trustworthy. 

When Gen Z women see your social media posts, comments, etc., you will become a familiar name in their feed, making them more likely to trust your services and support. 

3. The Other Side Is Using Social Media

Social media is here to stay—and the other side is using this fact to its advantage. Pro-abortion organizations are targeting the younger generations with catchy, engaging content that attempts to normalize abortion. 

The only way to counteract this messaging and ensure that women receive the truth is by making sure your center has an equally strong or even greater social media presence. 

We’re In This Together

Trying to create a social media strategy from scratch can feel impossible, but your center isn’t alone in this. At Choose Life Marketing, we’re here to help.

Let our experts help your center create a powerful, relevant social media presence that resonates. Learn more about our social media services.

Or, if you’re looking for reels and social media graphics to elevate your client social media presence, browse Choose Life Express, your one-stop shop for marketing solutions to reach the abortion-minded woman.

Social media is crucial. Let’s reach her together.